University Pantheon-Assas Paris II – Centre Thucydide

The Centre Thucydide – analysis and research in international relations – is a research institute of the Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II). The Centre Thucydide’s work is dedicated to the study of international political relations, with a special focus on international security issues. It has been directed by Serge Sur since its creation in 1999. The Centre Thucydide publishes the Annuaire français de relations internationales (French Year book on International Relations – printed and distributed by Bruylant) which each year gathers the contributions of French and foreign specialists, scholars, researchers, diplomats and experts, coming from multiple disciplines.

Contact information

University Pantheon-Assas Paris II – Centre Thucydide

Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II)
Bureau 219
12 place du Panthéon
75005 Paris

Tel: +33 (0) 1 44 41 56 45

The team

Contacts Resume Speciality

Serge Sur

Program Director

Serge Sur is the Director of the center Thucydide and of the French Year book on International Relations. Please check his personal website at:
  • Disarmament
  • Nuclear Issues

Mathilde Jeantil

PhD candidate

Mathilde Jeantil is a PhD candidate at the University Panthéon-Assas (Centre Thucydide). She graduated from ENS Cachan (Economics and Management department) in 2016. Her thesis focuses on Economic Sanctions and Nuclear Proliferation. More specifically, she examines the role of economic sanctions in the Iranian crisis.
  • Nuclear proliferation
  • Economic sanctions

Tiphaine de Champchesnel

Research Fellow/ PHD candidate

Tiphaine de Champchesnel is currently a research fellow on nuclear deterrence and disarmament at the Institute for Strategic Research (Institut de recherche stratégique de l’école militaire – IRSEM). She is also a Ph.D. candidate in political science at Paris 2 University (Centre Thucydide). Her doctoral research deals with the making of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).

She has been working in arms control and nonproliferation for more than a decade. She started at the CESIM (Centre d’études de sécurité international et de maîtrise des armements – Center for Arms Control and International Security). She conducted research projects on various issues (the 2005 US/India deal on nuclear energy, the evolution of the Egyptian nuclear program, French perceptions of nuclear deterrence…), some of which in cooperation with other researchers (Japan and nuclear disarmament, the French communication policy on nuclear defense issues…). She also headed a WMD strategic watch project resulting in a monthly newsletter (Observatoire de la non-proliferation).

In 2007, she was hired as a commissioned officer of the French army within the Arms Control Division of the Armed Forces Chief of Staff, focusing mainly on missile nonproliferation. She then held different positions related to nuclear nonproliferation, disarmament and deterrence at the Delegation for Strategic Affairs (DAS) and then Directorate General of International Relations and Strategy (DGRIS) of the Ministry of the Armed Forces.

She joined IRSEM in September 2017 with the objective to capitalize on her past work experience in a research oriented perspective and started a Ph.D. under the supervision of Pr. Jean-Vincent Holeindre. She regularly lectures to a broad range of audiences (Sciences Po, university, military schools).

  • Nuclear proliferation / nonproliferation
  • NPT
  • Nuclear deterrence
  • Disarmament
  • Arms control

Emmanuel Dreyfus

PhD candidate

After several years of professional experience related to security and defense issues in Russia and Eurasia (European Union, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Ministry for the Armed Forces), Emmanuel Dreyfus now conducts research on the reform of the 2008 Russian armed forces, and recent developments in Russian warfare, as part of his doctoral research under the joint authority of Paris II Panthéon-Assas University and INALCO. In his research, he deals with the balance between conventional and non-conventional capabilities of the current Russian military. He also developed a strong expertise on relationships between Russia and several proliferating states.

Previously an associate doctoral candidate at IRSEM, he is now a Visiting Fellow (2018-2019) of the Institute for Russian, European and Eurasian Studies at the Elliot School of International Affairs, George Washington University.

  • Russian Defense and Foreign Policy
  • Russian Armed Forces Reform
  • Special Operation Forces