University of Ljubljana – Defence Research Centre

The Defence Research Centre (DRC) was founded in 1985. It operates as a part of the Institute of Social Sciences based at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. DRC is a research institution focused on social dimensions of security, defence, military, conflict and peace in the contemporary world. The DRC provides theoretical and empirical contributions to the development of security studies. It collaborates with numerous domestic and foreign scientific institutions. With its research activity and public debate of its members, the DRC contributes to solving security dilemmas in Sloveniaas well as abroad. One of the important tasks of DRC is the education of students for scientific research work in the security field. Recent topics explored by DRC members are crisis management, peacekeeping operations, critical infrastructure, public opinion on security, international security structures, security in South-Eastern Europe, asymmetric warfare, disarmament processes and selected topics in the field of sociology of the military.

Contact information

University of Ljubljana – Defence Research Centre

Kardeljeva pl. 5, SI-1000
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Tel: +386 1 5805-100
Fax: +386 1 5805 101

The team

Contacts Resume Speciality
Anton Bebler
Tel: +386 1 5805 327
Anton Bebler is a Professor at the University of Ljubljana and former Slovenian Ambassador and Permanent Representative at the UN Office in Geneva. Since February 1998 he has been President of the Atlantic Council of Slovenia. His courses are on European Union, Common Foreign and Security Policy of EU and Comparative Political Systems.
  • Political systems,
  • Transatlantic relations
  • European security
  • International security organizations
  • Civil-Military relations
  • Terrorism
  • Nuclear disarmament
Anton Grizold
Tel: +386 1 5805 241
Anton Grizold is a Professor at the University of Ljubljana and former Defence Minister in the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. His courses are on Defence and Security System theory, Comparative Defence Systems and Security in International Relations.
  • System theory
  • International security
  • Defence and security structures
  • Defence policy
  • Militarization processes
  • International security structures
Marjan Malešič
Tel: +386 1 5805 326
Dr Marjan Malešič is a Professor at the University of Ljubljana. His courses are on Security Policy, Crisis Management and Environmental Security.
  • Theoretical and empirical aspects of crisis management
  • Non-military aspects of security
  • Public opinion on security related topics
  • Security theory
  • Security and environmental changes