International School on Disarmament and Research on Conflicts

Isodarco (Italy)

Isodarco started its activity in 1966 with the organization of the first residential course devoted to the study of the Arms Race and the prospects for Disarmament and Arms Control in particular in the field of Nuclear Armaments. The first to introduce residential courses in this field, Isodarco, in the half century of its activity, has organized 56 Summer/Winter residential courses, has co-organized five specialized seminars (three in Taiwan, one in Amman and one in Venice) and, since 1988, has contributed to the establishment and organization of the biennial Isodarco Beijing Seminar on International Security renamed PIIC in 2004. The 15th seminar of this series was held in Suzhou, 1-4 November 2016. The mission of Isodarco has been the education of the public and in particular the younger generations to the need to achieve concrete disarmament and non proliferation measures and the practical steps to achieve this goal. A goal now recognized by the UN (A/57/124) and the EU Non-Proliferation Consortium. However, in parallel with its four courses on international terrorism Isodarco has also performed, with the financial support of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), an extended research on political violence in Italy: Venti Anni di Violenza Politica in Italia – Cronologia ed Analisi Statistica. On the occasion of its Golden Jubilee (1966-2016) Isodarco has received a letter from USA President Barack Obama and a medal from Italian President Sergio Mattarella”

Contact information

International School on Disarmament and Research on Conflicts – Isodarco

Via della Rotonda 4,
00186 Roma, Italia

Tel: +39 06 6892340

The team

Contacts Resume Speciality
Francesco Calogero
Tel: +39 06 4991 4371
Francesco Calogero, retired Professor of Theoretical Physics at the Physics Department of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, has published in his field over 360 papers in refereed scientific journals and 4 books (in English, two also translated into Russian). On the topic of “science and society” (mainly arms control, nuclear disarmament and proliferation), he has published over 440 papers (about half of them in English and half in Italian, some with co-authors) and 2 books (one in English with one co-author, and one in Italian with two co-authors). He also co-edited with M. Goldberger and S. Kapitza a multi-authored monograph on Verification, published in English in the United States in 1990 and in Russian in the Soviet Union in 1991, each chapter of which was co-authored by eminent authors on both sides of the Cold War divide; it was the first book on such a sensitive topic to have this feature.From 1982 to 1992 he was a member of the Governing Board of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), from 1989 to 1997 he served as Secretary General of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affair, and in that capacity he accepted (Oslo, 10 December 1995), on behalf of Pugwash, the 1995 Nobel Peace Prize jointly awarded to Joseph Rotblat and to Pugwash “for their efforts to diminish the part played by nuclear arms in international politics and in the longer run to eliminate such arms.” From 1997 to 2002 he served as Chairman of the Pugwash Council, of which he is now an “ex officio” member.
  • International Security
  • Non Proliferation
  • Abolition of Nuclear Weapons
Mirco Elena
Tel: +39 0464 424288
Fax: +39 3407688872
Mirco Elena is a physicist at the Centro per la Cooperazione Internazionale in Trento. After many years as an experimental researcher in the field of materials science, he devoted most of his time to scientific aspects of peace, with an emphasis on the link between civilian and military applications of nuclear energy and on energy as a cause of conflicts. For three decades he has organized educational events aimed at students and the public, to improve the understanding of political and technical issues connected to the arms race, nuclear proliferation and in general to international relations. He produced exhibits on the atomic bombings of Japan and the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Another exhibit on the Chernobyl disaster and on its causes, partly due to the military design of the plant. To this last issue he devoted also a book. He is a member of the Council of the Trentino Forum for Peace. He has a long experience working with the media, writing articles, taking part in, and producing radio programs. He is responsible for the Trento office of Isodarco and active as a member of the Union of Italian Scientists for Disarmament – Uspid.
  • International security
  • The nuclear arms race and nuclear non proliferation
  • Energy and conflicts
  • Science and society
  • Using the media to increase public understanding of science and security issues
Diego Latella
Tel: +39 348 8283101
Diego Latella’s interest in problems of International Security and, more in general, in the Ethical and Social Responsibility of Scientists, started in 1985. Since then, he has systematically attended both Isodarco courses and USPID(Unione degli Scienziati Per Il conferences and has actively contributed to the organization of a large number of public events, with distinguished and highly respected scientists, on International Security and Nuclear Proliferation, as well as on the relationship between scientific/technological development and society. D. Latella, a senior computer scientist with the Italian National Research Council (CNR), has been teaching courses on (i) Formal Methods for (computer) System Design and (ii) Ethical and Social Aspects of Computer Science at the University of Pisa. He was Co-director of the 1999 Isodarco course onComputers, Networks, and the Prospects for European and World Security and the 2002 course on Cyberwar, Netwar, and the Revolution in Military Affairs – Real Threats and Virtual Myths. The latter gave rise to the homonymous book edited by S. Wright et al.(Pelgrave MacMillan). D. Latella is currently Secretary National of USPID ONLUS.
  • The role of ICT in War
  • Cyberwar and Cyberterrorism
  • Ethical and Social Responsibility of Computer Professionals
Alessandro Pascolini
Vice President
Tel: +390498277150
Alessandro Pascolini is a theoretical physicist (retired) at the University of Padua; he also taught courses on arms and arms control at the Padua Faculty of Political Sciences and at the European Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Democratization (EMA). He is vice-director of the Master in Science Communication of the Padua University. His scientific researches are in the fields of nuclear and mathematical physics, of technologies related to armaments and disarmament and on science communication.

For the last 30 years he has been active in projects aiming to raising public awareness of science in Europe; for these activities he has been awarded the Outreach Prize 2004 of the European Physical Society.

He takes part in the activities of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affaires and is vice-president of Isodarco.

  • International Security
  • Nuclear weapons control and non proliferation
  • Chemical weapons and their control
  • Raising public awareness of security problems
Carlo Schaerf
President and Director
Tel: +39 3356213583

During the years 1960-63 Carlo Schaerf worked as a research associate in the High Energy Physics Laboratory (HEPL) of Stanford University where he regularly attended the Faculty Forum on Arms Control organized by leading scientists and government advisors like S. Drell and W.K.H (Pief) Panofsky, then member of PSAC (the Science Advisory Committee of President Kennedy), and became interested in problems of International Security. Back in Italy in the Fall of 1963, Carlo Schaerf started to work, with Prof. Edoardo Amaldi, to the establishment of Isodarco which began its activity in 1966 with the organization of the first residential advanced course on Arms Control. A physicist by profession C. Schaerf has continuously devoted to International Security a fraction of his time focusing on the need to educate the public, and in particular the future generations of world leaders, to the grave risks that the existence of large nuclear weapons stockpiles and the proliferation of nuclear weapons pose to mankind. He has been interested also in other threats to International Security like International Terrorism, organizing on this topic several courses and editing two books recently reprinted. He has also been the leader of an interdisciplinary scientific collaboration that, with a grant from the Italian National Research Council, has made an extensive research on Political Violence in Italy.

  • International Security
  • Nuclear weapons control and non proliferation
  • Chemical weapons and their control
  • Raising public awareness of security problems