Institute of World Economics

Institute of World Economics (Hungary)

The Institute of World Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies was established in its current form on 1 January 2012 based. It is based on the World Economic Institute, established in 1973. The researchers of the Institute have been assessing the Hungarian economy in relation to external political, economic and security processes. The objective of research conducted is to identify mechanisms shaping the world economy through comparative analyses as well as exploring the successful and ineffective responses of various countries to international forces. With this, we contribute to the scientific analysis of the Hungarian development and agency in the contemporary – global and regional – political, economic and security environment.

Points of contact

Name: Erzsébet N.Rózsa
Address:  Tóth Kálmán utca 4, 1097 Budapest, Hungary
Tel.:  +36 1 309 2643

The team





Contacts Resume Speciality

Erzsébet N. Rózsa


Erzsébet N. Rózsa is an Academic Advisor at the Institute for World Economics of the Center for Economic and Regional Studies. She is also a Professor at the University of Public Service, Budapest. Her fields of research include the political, security and social processes of the Middle East, Egypt, Iran, the Iranian nuclear debate, nuclear non-proliferation, as well as the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation institutions. She has published – among others – only the nuclear and WMD-proliferation/non-proliferation issues in the Middle East and North Africa. She edited and partly wrote the first Hungarian textbook on arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation.


  • Arms control and nuclear non-proliferation

    The Middle East and North Africa

András Deák


András DEÁK is the Head of Economics of Globalization Research Group, CERS IWE Budapest. He received his Diploma (MA) and his Doctorate (Ph.D.) in International Relations, in 1997 and 2003, respectively, both from the University of Economic Sciences, Hungary. His research fields cover economic processes in the Post Soviet space, integration into the world economy and energy policy in particular. He has authored 150 academic and policy publications. He edited six study books primarily on current issues of energy security and EU-Russian energy relations. András Deák also holds courses in different Hungarian Universities on Russian Energy Policy and Post Soviet Regional Studies. His activities include foreign and energy policy analysis and civil activities in energy conservation.
  • EU and Post Soviet energy policy
  • Russian economy
  • EU Eastern Policy

John Szabo


John Szabo is a Fellow at the Institute of World Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies as well as an Assistant Professor at the Department of European and International Studies, Eötvös Loránd University. His general interest lie at the intersection of energy and society, which has led him to pursue a number of energy security-related projects. Related work has focused on the energy security implications of the energy transition in Europe and, specifically, Central and Eastern Europe, which has become especially topical with the war in Ukraine. He obtained his PhD from Central European University and prior to that worked on energy affairs in a host of institutions ranging from a consultancy to diplomatic corps.
  • Energy security
  • Sustainability in international relations


Afkhami, S ; Csicsmann, L ; N, Rózsa E ; Szalai, M Do you Expect the Iranian Nuclear Deal to be Revived in the Next Year? , 10 p. (2022) KKI 4:1 Series of the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2022/13 Centre for Strategic and Defense Studies Analyses 2022 : 6 pp. 1-13. , 13 p. (2022)

Csiki, Varga Tamás ; Deák, András György ; Egeresi, Zoltán ; Háda, Béla ; Jójárt, Krisztián ; Kemény, János ; Tálas, Péter (2023). ’Az orosz–ukrán háború első évének tanulságai [Lessons from the first year of the Russo-Ukrainian war] Center for Strategic and Defense Studies Analyses 2023 : 3 pp. 1-30. , 30 p. (2023)

Deák, A ; Szabo, J ; Weiner, Cs: New dynamics of great-power energy politics in South-Eastern Europe: The EU versus the US and Russia? Politologicky Casopis / Czech journal of Political Science : 1 pp. 32-49. , 18 p. (2022)

Deák, A., Etl, A., Felméry Z. (2021) ‘Hungarian public opinion on security, defense and threats (2021)

Deák, A., Szabo, J., & Weiner, Cs. (2021) ‘Energiapolitikai versengés új felállásban Délkelet-Európában: az Európai Unió az Egyesült Államokkal és Oroszországgal szemben?’ [New Energy Politics in South-Eastern Europe: The European Union vis-à-vis the United States and Russia?]. Nation and Security. (In Hungarian).

Erzsébet N. Rózsa – Anna Péczeli (eds): Egy békésebb világ eszközei. Fegyverzeellenőrzés, leszerelés, non-proliferáció. Osiris, Budapest, 2013 [The tools of a more peaceful world. Arms control, disarmament, non-proliferation]

Muth, D. & Szabo, J. (2023) ‘Hard Pressed by External Actors: Sustainability Transition in Hungary’ in Climate Change and the Future of Europe: Views from Capitals, (eds.) Kaeding, M., Pollak, J., & Schmidt, P. Springer, Cham, Switzerland.

N, Rózsa E Certain Aspects of the Oldest Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone (the Newest WMD-Free Zone?) in the Making: the Middle East pp. 10-13., (2022) Center for Egypt and ME Studies Journal, Fourth Edition, June 2022

N, Rózsa E Nuclear Issues in the Persian Gulf IN FOCUS 2019

N, Rózsa E:  The EU and the Iran Nuclear Deal: How to Proceed? Roma, Istituto Affari Internazionali (2018)

  1. Rózsa, E: A Közel-Kelet nukleáris kérdései – középpontban az iráni nukleáris program [The nuclear issues of the Middle East – in focus: the Iranian nuclear program] KÜLÜGYI SZEMLE 21 : 3 pp. 145-170. (2021)

N., Rózsa E ; Peragovics, T:  China’s political, military and cultural engagement in the MENA region JOINT POLICY STUDIES 16 pp. 58-87

N., Rózsa E: Az iráni nukleáris program kihívása a Biden-elnökség kezdetén [The challenge of the Iranian nuclear program int he beginning of the Biden presidency] In: Kajtár, Gábor; Sonnevend, Pál (szerk.) A nemzetközi jog, az uniós jog és a nemzetközi kapcsolatok szerepe a 21. században : tanulmányok Valki László tiszteletére. Budapest, Magyarország : ELTE Eötvös Kiadó (2021) 881 p. pp. 731-748. ,

Szabo, J. (2015) ‘The effects of Algeria’s, Libya’s and Tunisia’s destabilization upon European energy-security’, Nation and Security, vol. VIII., no. 3, pp. 67-84 (in Hungarian).

Szabo, J. (2022) ‘EU Energy policy in light of the crises’ in European Union Encyclopedia and Directory (ed.) Gladman, I. Routledge, London, UK.

Szabo, J. (2023) ’International Relations in the Age of Hydrogen’ in Handbook of Global Politics in the 22nd Century, (eds.) Horn, L., Müller, F., & Mert, A. Palgrave Macmillan, Palgrave Studies in International Relations (EISA Series), London, UK.

Szabo, J. (2023) ’International Relations in the Age of Hydrogen’ in Handbook of Global Politics in the 22nd Century, (eds.) Horn, L., Müller, F., & Mert, A. Palgrave Macmillan, Palgrave Studies in International Relations (EISA Series), London, UK.

Szabo, J., Deak, A., & Weiner, Cs. (2020) ‘Energy Governance in Hungary’ in Handbook of Energy Governance in Europe, (eds.) Knodt, M & Kemmerzell, J, Springer, Cham, Switzerland.

Weiner, Cs., Deák, A., and Szabo, J. (2022) ‘Between the EU, US, and Russia: Natural gas’ future in Bulgaria, Greece, and North Macedonia’. Czech Journal of Political Science, special issue: Foreign and Energy Policies of the European Union: Challenges in the Time of Growing Geopolitical Struggle Between the East and the West, 1/XXIX/2022, pp. 32–49.

Weiner, Cs., Deák, A., and Szabo, J. (2022) ‘Between the EU, US, and Russia: Natural gas’ future in Bulgaria, Greece, and North Macedonia’. Czech Journal of Political Science, special issue: Foreign and Energy Policies of the European Union: Challenges in the Time of Growing Geopolitical Struggle Between the East and the West, 1/XXIX/2022, pp. 32–49.



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