Future for Syria and the Chemical Weapons Convention: the legislative implications
Thomas Brown, VERTIC, December 23, 2024
Chemical, biological and health security threats
Filippa Lentzos and Una Jakob, October 2024
R&D Areas North of Hamhung: North Korea’s Chemical Facilities: Site Profile 3
The Project Anthracite Team, RUSI, 19 November 2024, 28p.
The Centre for Chemistry and Technology and the Future of the OPCW
Dr Ian Anthony, March 2024
The Chemical Weapons Convention After Its Fifth Review Conference: Key Issues For The European Union
Alexander Ghionis and Alexander Kelle, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 87, February 2024
Toxic Inheritance: Assessing North Korea’s Chemical Weapons Capability
James Byrne, Joe Byrne, Dr Matthew Harries, Lennie Phillips OBE and Dr Giangiuseppe Pili, RUSI, March 2023
Addressing misconceptions about biological and chemical weapons and related legal frameworks
VERTIC, January 2023
Supporting the fight against the proliferation of chemical weapons through cheminformatics
Stefano Costanzi, Charlotte K. Slavick,Joyce M. Abides, Gregory D. Koblentz, Mary Vecellio, and Richard T. Cupittc, STIMSON, March 2022
Judicial enforcement of BWC and CWC implementing legislation
Thomas Brown, VERTIC, February 2022
Chemiewaffeneinsätze aufklären und ahnden – Syrien als Testfall für das Weltrechtsprinzip?
Alexander Kelle, IFSH, June 2021 (in German)
Strengthening Global Regimes: Addressing the Threat Posed by Chemical Weapons
Dr Ian Anthony, SIPRI, November 2020
Twenty-one years of OPCW inspector training, Brendan Whelan, in Verification & Implementation 2019
A collection of analysis on international agreements for security and development, VERTIC, July 2020
The OPCW’s role in chemical security – Approaches and lessons learned from the IAEA’s Nuclear Security Plans
Alberto Muti, VERTIC, July 2019
Securing a diverse global industry – Key lessons from the field of radiological security to support OPCW chemical security efforts
Chris Englefield, Isognos Ltd. and Alberto Muti, VERTIC, June 2019
Future verification challenges for the Chemical Weapons Convention, Ralf Trapp, in Verification & Implementation 2019
A collection of analysis on international agreements for security and development, VERTIC, July 2020
The EU’s Chemical Weapons Sanctions Regime: Upholding a taboo under attack
Dr Clara Portela and Dr Erica Moret, European Union Institute for Security Studies, July 2020
Countering the Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria: Options for Supporting International Norms and Institutions
Una Becker-Jakob, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 63, SIPRI, June 2019
Beyond Obama’s Red Lines: the Syrian Arab Army and Chemical Warfare
Can Kasapoğlu, German Institute for International and Security Affairs, June 2019
Preventing the Re-Emergence of Chemical Weapons
Jean Pascal Zanders, European Union Institute for Security Studies, April 2019
Chemical Weapons Treaty: Time for Chemical Industry to Step up
Peter van Ham, Sico van der Meer, Opinions, Clingendael, 19 October 2018
Chemical Weapons Attacks: The End of Anonymity
Oliver Meier, German Institute for International and Security Affairs, August 2018
Are Chemical Weapons Forbidden? (L’interdiction des armes chimiques en question) (in French)
Benjamin Hautecouverture, Note de la FRS, No.2/2018, March 6, 2018, 8pp.
Technological convergence: What impact for the Chemical and Biological Weapons Conventions?
Elisande Nexon (ed.), Seminar report, Inserm - FRS, Paris, 20 February 2013, 8p.
Chemical weapons challenges ahead: Past and future of the OPCW – With a case study on Syria
Peter van Ham, Sico van der Meer, Malik Ellahi, Clingendael Report, October 2017, 81pp.
Freeing the World of Chemical Weapons: the Chemical Weapons Convention at the Ten-Year Mark
Oliver Thränert & Jonathan B. Tucker, SWP Research Paper, July 2007, German Institute for International and Security Affairs
The Danger of Chemical Weapons in Syria
Oliver Meier, SWP Comments, 4pp. April 2016
100 years of chemical weapons and the future of the OPCW
Wilton Park conference Report, The Hague, Monday 15 June 2015 | WP1408, 2 October 2015
Export of dual-use chemicals to Syria: an assessment of European Union export controls
Ian Anthony, NP paper No.35, January 2014, 14p.
The Geneva Agreement on Syria’s Chemical Disarmament: An Important Milestone
Marc Finaud, Web Editorial, GCSP, 17 September 2013
It’s Time to Revisit Iraq as Syria Offers Up Its Chemical Weapons Arsenal
Paul Schulte, Radio Broadcast, September 10, 2013
Syrian chemical weapons: from horror to diplomacy?
Bernard Sitt, The Non-Proliferation Monthly's Editorial, September 2013
The Syria vote in the British parliament
Ian Anthony, Experts Comments, August 30, 2013
“When is evidence proof?”
Jean Pascal Zanders, The Non-Proliferation Monthly, June 2013
The future of CWC in the post-destruction phase
Jean Pascal Zanders, EUISS, March 2013
Wilton Park Conference Report: Chemical Weapons Convention, Third Review Conference and Beyond
Monday 15 – Wednesday 17 October 2012, WP1178, 10p.
Chemical weapons disarmament and the future of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
Wilton Park Conference, Conference report for WP1079, 14p., March 2011