Investigation of Alleged Use of Biological Weapons – Strengthening the UN Secretary General’s Mechanism
Una Jakob, Stefan Kloth, Ines Mergler, PRIF, 2024
Chemical, biological and health security threats
Filippa Lentzos and Una Jakob, October 2024
The Biological Weapons Ban and Scientific Progress
Sophie Reiners, Oliver Thränert, CSS ETH Zurich, April 2023
The BWC Ninth Review Conference: an overview of outcomes, outlooks and national implementation
Larry MacFaul, Sonia Drobysz and Thomas Brown, VERTIC, March 2023
Model Law for National Implementation of the 1972 Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention and Related Requirements of UN Security Council Resolution 1540
VERTIC, March 2023
Addressing misconceptions about biological and chemical weapons and related legal frameworks
VERTIC, January 2023
Bioweapons in Ukraine? What to make of Russian allegations
Una Jakob, Gunnar Jeremias, Alexander Kelle, Thilo Marauhn, Oliver Meier, Kathryn Nixdorff, Ralf Trapp and Barry de Vries, IFSH, 22 March 2022
Programme biologique militaire en Ukraine, histoire d’une désinformation russe
Elisande Nexon, 17 mars 2022
Judicial enforcement of BWC and CWC implementing legislation
Thomas Brown, VERTIC, February 2022
North Korea and Biological Weapons: Assessing the Evidence: Conflicting assessments of North Korea’s biological weapons capabilities do not indicate an advanced BW program
Elisa Harris, Stimson Center, November 2021
Exploring Science and Technology Review Mechanisms under the Biological Weapons Convention
James Revill, Alisha Anand, Giacomo Persi Paoli, UNIDIR, June 2021
Preparing for Success at the Ninth Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention Review Conference
James Revill, John Borrie, Richard Lennane, Emma Saunders, UNIDIR, April 2021
The operationalization of Article VII of the Biological Weapons Convention: Efforts to enhance assistance capacities in response to deliberate bio-events
Alex Lampalzer and Valeria Santori, in Verification & Implementation 2019 – A collection of analysis on international agreements for security and development, VERTIC, July 2020
Report on the Tabletop Exercise (TTX) on the Implementation of Article VII of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC)
Jean Pascal Zanders, Ralf Trapp and Elisande Nexon, FRS, December 2019
Report on Tabletop Exercise on UNSGM Investigation of Alleged Biological Weapon Use
Report prepared by Elena Gai, Alberto Muti and Larry MacFaul, VERTIC, May 2020
National and regional strategies to strengthen legislation on biosafety and biosecurity in Central Asia
Final report by VERTIC as part of the European Union Centres of Excellence (CoE) Initiative Project 53 “Strengthening the National Legal Framework and Provision of Specialized Training on Bio-Safety and Bio-Security in Central Asian Countries”, October 2019
Reassessing CBRN Threats in a Changing Global Environment
Fei Su and Ian Anthony, SIPRI, June 2019
Bio Plus X: Arms Control and the Convergence of Biology and Emerging Technologies
Kolja Brockmann, Sibylle Bauer and Vincent Boulanin, SIPRI, March 2019
EU preparedness against CBRN wepaons
Elisande Nexon and Claude Wachtel, Study requested by the EU Parliament SEDE subcommittee, January 2019
Powerful Actor, High Impact Bio-Threats
Wilton Park, November 2018
State Parties Agree on BWC Intersessional Programme
Maria Elena Amadori, VERTIC, Winter 2018
Responding to Deliberate Biological Release: The Requirements for Effective, Coordinated International Action
Aurelia Attal-Juncqua, Wilton Park, November 2017
The Increasing Threat of Biological Weapons: Handle with Sufficient and Proportionate Care,
Erik Frinking, Tim Sweijs, Paul Sinning, Eva Bontje, Christopher Frattina della Frattina, Mercedes Abdalla, The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies, 2016
Increasing transparency in biodefence: a 2016 visit to a German military medical biodefence facility
Filippa Lentzos, NP paper No.52, November 2016, 16pp.
Options for International Cooperation under Article X of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention
James Revill, Caitriona McLeish, Alex Spelling and Brian Balmer, VERTIC; Autumn 2016
3D bio: declare, document and demonstrate
Filippa Lentzos, NP Paper No.45, April 2015, 14pp.
Statement by VERTIC to the 2012 Meeting of States Parties to the 1972 BTWC
10 December 2012, 8p.
Managing Technology Transfers Under the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention
Anna Zmorzynska and Gunnar Jeremias, NP paper, No.21, September 2012, 16p.
Verifying and demonstrating compliance with the BTWC
Iris Hunger and Anna Zmorzynska, NP paper No.5, December 2011, 14p.
Industry Contribution To a Strengthened Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention
Jean Pascal Zanders, EUISS, December 2011
Implications of bioscience and technology advances for the BTWC
Caitriona McLeish, NP paper No.4, December 2011, 14p.
Strengthening the BTWC through laboratory best practices and biosecurity
Elisande Nexon, NP paper No.3, December 2011, 22p.
Cindy Vestergaard & Animesh Roul, in The Nonproliferation Review, Vol. 18, No. 3, November 2011, pp. 489-497
Notions of Justice in the Biological Weapons Control Regime
Una Becker-Jakob, HSFK-Arbeitspapiere Nr. 09/2011, Frankfurt/M.
BTWC Review
Wilton Park Conference, Conference report for WP1124, 9p., September 2011
Prospects for the 2011 BTWC review conference
Wilton Park Conference, Conference report for WP1046, 8p., September 2011
The Sword of Damocles: ever lasting bio-threat
Bart Smedts, RHID Focus Paper 7, March 2009