22 October 2024

CR.8, UNHQ, New York

This side-event is organised FRS, as implementing Agency of the EU project in support of the Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation (HCoC) in the margins of the UNGA First Committee. The EU project is implemented according to the EU Council Decision Council Decision (CFSP) 2017/2370.

The Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation (HCoC) is known for inviting states to display transparency in ballistic missile programmes and launches in order to avoid misunderstanding and miscalculation. However, because of the technological proximity between ballistic missiles and space launch vehicles, it also requires states to be transparent about launchers and launches.

This side event will explore the role played by the Code in the space domain and how it contributes to confidence in launching activities. It will also evoke the evolution seen in space and assess to what extent other initiatives could play a stabilizing role in space activities.


13:15 – Introduction 

  • Marjolijn VAN DEELEN, Special Envoy for Space, European External Action Service (EEAS), European Union (remotely)
  • Alex WETZIG, Permament Representative of Chile to the United Nations in Vienna, Chile (Chair of the HCoC 2024-2025)

13:30 – Main session 

MODERATOR: Dr Xavier PASCO, Secretary General, Foundation for Strategic Research (FRS) 


  • Dr Peter MARTINEZ, Executive Director, Secure World Foundation (SWF)
  • Dr Raji Pillai RAJAGOPALAN, Resident Senior Fellow, Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI)
  • Ms Almudena AZCÁRATE ORTEGA, Space Security Researcher, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)
All publications

Harnessing Transparency Potential for Missile Non-Proliferation

Information is key for non-proliferation efforts. But the times when information was the exclusive purview of governments are over. Affordable, commercial and open-source monitoring capabilities empower states and societies alike, while challenging the ability of governments to preserve secrecy. Technological democratisation means that information is practically becoming a public good. And it allows for unprecedented transparency.

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All publications

The HCoC and China

China is currently the main ballistic missile possessor and spacefaring nation which remains outside the Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation (HCoC). This can be explained by China’s traditional opacity regarding its deployment of strategic missiles, but also its exports of ballistic systems or technologies abroad. This absence is nonetheless problematic for a regime based on voluntary transparency and confidence-building which aims at universality.

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