On 29 may 2019, in the context of the Space Security Conference, organized by the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), the FRS conducted a panel dedicated to the HCoC.

Moderator :

  • Dr Xavier Pasco, Director, Fondation pour la recherche stratégique

Panel :

  • Amb. Ann-Sofie Nilsson, Swedish Ambassador for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation
  • Ms Isabelle Sourbes, Research Director, Centre national de la recherche scientifique
  • Mr Tal Inbar, Head of the Space Research Center, Fisher Institute for Air & Space Strategic Studies

The panels of the Space Security Conference can be viewed on the following link:

All publications

The use of the existing WMD free zones as an exemple and a potential Framework for further initiatives banning ballistic missiles

Taken as a wide-ranging notion, weapons of mass destruction (WMD) have not produced significant instruments in international security over time, UNSCR1540 being an exception. As such, there are no existing WMD free zones (WMDFZ) which can be used as examples and as potential frameworks for further initiatives banning ballistic missiles.

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North Korean Short Range Systems: Military consequences of the development of the KN-23, KN-24 and KN-25

This study focuses on the new systems introduced, and assesses their potential impact as conventional weapons and as non-conventional weapons. Through an analysis of the possible capacities of these systems, this study examines their consequences on North Korean strategy. It concludes by exploring what this change of strategy may lead to, in military terms, and in political terms, on the Korean peninsula.

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Le Code de conduite de La Haye contre la prolifération des missiles balistiques. Le régime qui n’existait pas ?

The Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation, launched in November 2002, established itself as the first political and truly multilateral initiative on non-proliferation in the field of missiles. He succeeded in laying down principles of universal scope in a field which was totally lacking in them and in establishing confidence-building measures which could serve as a model for countries not yet signatories.

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