The 10th Anniversary of the HCoC

Observatoire de la non-prolifération

Bulletin n°74

En 2013, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the HCoC, the Center for Studies in International Security and Arms Control published a special issue of the Bulletin de l’Observatoire de la non-proliferation.




  • Le code de conduite de La Haye : 10 ans de lutte contre la prolifération balistique, Camille Grand (directeur de la FRS)
  • Genèse du HCoC, Bruno Gruselle
  • HCoC et la prolifération balistique, Erik Marzolf
  • An interview with Ambassador CHO Hyun (Republic of Korea, 2012-13 HCoC Chair)
  • Legal features of the Hague Code of Conduct, Natalino Ronzitti
  • La problématique des lanceurs légers, Xavier Pasco & Stéphane Delory
  • HCoC et MTCR, Jérémie Hammedi
Research Papers

The HCoC and China

China is currently the main ballistic missile possessor and spacefaring nation which remains outside the Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation (HCoC). This can be explained by China’s traditional opacity regarding its deployment of strategic missiles, but also its exports of ballistic systems or technologies abroad. This absence is nonetheless problematic for a regime based on voluntary transparency and confidence-building which aims at universality.

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Issue Briefs

The HCoC and African States

While both ballistic programmes and the risk posed by these systems remain very limited on the African continent, ballistic missiles inherently constitute a global risk – due to their range and destructive potential. Instruments such as the HCoC, which seek to limit the proliferation of such systems, are therefore relevant for African countries.

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