
Issue #2

November 2023

Read news of the Code, updates on our recent activities and latest information about ballistic missile tests and space launches.


Latest HCoC News

  • São Tomé and Príncipe joins the HCoC
  • The HCoC and African States
  • Interview with the HCoC Secretariat

News about the Project

  • Youth Group First Meeting in Paris

News about the Ballistic Missiles & Launchers

  • Evolution of the Houthi Missile Arsenal
  • Ballistic Missiles & the War in Ukraine

Selected Missiles Tests

Selected SLV Launches

Information and contacts

Issue Briefs

The HCoC and Latin America

Latin America is one of the regions with the highest level of support for the HCoC. This support reflects the historic commitment of the region in favour of disarmament and non-proliferation. The remaining four non-subscribing states – Bolivia, Brazil, Cuba and Mexico – have voiced concerns about the adoption of the Code outside the United Nations framework and its limited scope.

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