
Issue #1

June 2023

Read news of the Code, updates on our recent activities and latest information about ballistic missile tests and space launches.


Latest HCoC News

  • Annual Regular Meeting in Vienna 
  • Fifth EU Council Decision in Support of the HCoC
  • Looking Back on the Nigerian Chairmanship of the HCoC


News about the Project

  • Side-Event in Vienna on Upcoming Trends For Ballistic Missile Non-proliferation
  • Youth Group Creation
  • Regional Seminar in Nigeria


News about the Ballistic Missiles & Launchers

  • North Korea Tests a Solid-Fuel ICBM
  • Suspension of the New Start Treaty


Selected Missiles Tests

Selected SLV Launches

Information and contacts


Research Papers

Hypersonic missiles: Evolution or revolution for missile non-proliferation and arms control instruments?

After listing major programmes and key drivers beyond the acquisition of these technologies, this paper considers their development under the prism of arms control, and analyses whether current mechanisms (non-proliferation arrangements, bilateral arms control treaties and confidence-building measures) dealing with missiles are adapted to these weapons.

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