Le missile balistique : aviation stratégique du pauvre ?

Penser les Ailes françaises

Revue du Ministère des Armées - n°33

Regardless of the risks associated with proliferating states, however, the pronounced diffusion of deep strike capabilities linked to rockets and SRBMs poses a fundamental problem, creating vulnerabilities in the face of Western forces which have less and less infrastructure. and whose forces are articulated around now limited volumes. In the face of these threats, missile defense is only a partial solution that must be complemented by strengthening the conventional strike capability. However, from this point of view, the reflection of the European States is probably incomplete and remains focused on the development of air resources, out of step with the systems developed by the United States, by Russia and by China but also by a number of people. growing minor military powers. In a tight budgetary context, it may not be uninteresting to assess whether additional solutions should be explored.

JULY 2020 

Stéphane Delory


The ballistic missile is regularly equated with a kind of “strategic aviation of the poor”

Depuis la première guerre du Golfe (1991), le missile balistique est régulièrement assimilé à une sorte « d’aviation stratégique du pauvre », devant permettre aux États ne disposant pas de la technologie, de la base industrielle ou encore des ressources suffisantes pour se doter d’une aviation performante, de disposer de moyens de frappe dans la profondeur à un coût acceptable. L’épisode de la guerre des villes entre l’Iran et l’Irak et le phénomène de prolifération balistique qui l’a suivi ont fortement contribué à alimenter cette théorie, tout comme la relance du programme antimissile américain, qui vise précisément à limiter la capacité stratégique offerte par les armes balistiques.

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Issue Briefs

The HCoC and African States

While both ballistic programmes and the risk posed by these systems remain very limited on the African continent, ballistic missiles inherently constitute a global risk – due to their range and destructive potential. Instruments such as the HCoC, which seek to limit the proliferation of such systems, are therefore relevant for African countries.

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Research Papers

The use of the existing WMD free zones as an exemple and a potential Framework for further initiatives banning ballistic missiles

Taken as a wide-ranging notion, weapons of mass destruction (WMD) have not produced significant instruments in international security over time, UNSCR1540 being an exception. As such, there are no existing WMD free zones (WMDFZ) which can be used as examples and as potential frameworks for further initiatives banning ballistic missiles.

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Research Papers

The Rise of Small Launchers: What Impact on Ballistic Missile Proliferation?

This paper recalls the state of ballistic missile proliferation at the time of the adoption of the Code, before delving into the genesis of the Code and especially the various reports and meetings that promoted the adoption of a supply-side multilateral instrument. It describes the conferences and diplomatic efforts that led to the Code in 2002. It also explains why the Code ended up the way it is today with modest ambitions but concrete outcomes.

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