Vienna outreach side event on HCoC

31 May 2013

On 31 May 2013, the FRS organised, on behalf of the European Union, an outreach event in support of both the HCoC and ballistic missile non-proliferation. This meeting took place at the Vienna International Centre in the margins of the HCoC annual meeting of subscribing states.



  • H.E. Györgyi MARTIN ZANATHY, Permanent Representative of the European Union to the International Organisations in Vienna
  • H.E. Tsutomu OSAWA, Permanent Representative of Japan to the International Organisations in Vienna; HCoC Chair
  • H.E. Alfredo LABBÉ VILLA, Permanent Representative of Chile to the International Organisations in Vienna
  • Dr. Xavier PASCO, Senior Research Fellow, Foundation for Strategic Research
Research Papers

The Rise of Small Launchers: What Impact on Ballistic Missile Proliferation?

This paper recalls the state of ballistic missile proliferation at the time of the adoption of the Code, before delving into the genesis of the Code and especially the various reports and meetings that promoted the adoption of a supply-side multilateral instrument. It describes the conferences and diplomatic efforts that led to the Code in 2002. It also explains why the Code ended up the way it is today with modest ambitions but concrete outcomes.

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