Side event on HCoC in the margins of the UNGA in New York

12 October 2018

On 12 October 2018, on behalf of the European Union, the FRS organised a side event on the Hague Code of Conduct and Ballistic Missile Non-Proliferation, in the margins of the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.


This event, which took place at the United Nations headquarters, included a series of presentations followed by a discussion, and brought together representatives from both subscribing and non-subscribing States, and officials from the European Union, with a view to raising awareness of the Code with regard to non-subscribing States and discussing the current and future trends and challenges pertaining to ballistic missile proliferation.




  • Amb. Ann-Sofie NILSSON, Ambassador for Disarmament and Non-proliferation; Sweden, HCoC Chair
  • Alexandre HOUDAYER, Secretary General, Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique
  • Amb. Jacek BYLICA, Principal Advisor and Special Envoy for Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, European External Action Service




  • Emmanuelle MAITRE, Research Fellow, Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique
  • Raphaël PRENAT, Coordinator of the Group of Experts, Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004)
  • Waheguru Pal Singh SIDHU, Associate Professor, Center for Global Affairs, New York University



  • UN initiatives to curb ballistic proliferation
  • The integration of the HCoC in the multilateral norms to deal with ballistic proliferation
  • Challenges and perspectives to address ballistic missile proliferation



All publications

Ballistic missile proliferation: what should be the role of a small state?

On 15 January 2019, the Institute of National Security Studies Sri Lanka (INSSSL) and the FRS held a South Asia Regional Seminar “Dealing with the missile threat in South Asia” with the support of the European Union. This explainer on ballistic missile proliferation explains a few key aspects of the Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation (HCOC) in relation to small states with special reference to Sri Lanka.

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Research Papers

The Rise of Small Launchers: What Impact on Ballistic Missile Proliferation?

This paper recalls the state of ballistic missile proliferation at the time of the adoption of the Code, before delving into the genesis of the Code and especially the various reports and meetings that promoted the adoption of a supply-side multilateral instrument. It describes the conferences and diplomatic efforts that led to the Code in 2002. It also explains why the Code ended up the way it is today with modest ambitions but concrete outcomes.

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Research Papers

The Hague Code of Conduct and Space

This paper considers the dual approach of the Code by analysing the similarities between launchers and ballistic missiles in light of new technical developments, and assessing the risk of missile technology proliferation. It also assesses the new trends and developments in the space sector that may have an impact on the ability of the HCoC to remain relevant in its efforts to curb the proliferation of ballistic launchers.

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