Side event on HCoC in the margins of the UNGA in New York

12 October 2018

On 12 October 2018, on behalf of the European Union, the FRS organised a side event on the Hague Code of Conduct and Ballistic Missile Non-Proliferation, in the margins of the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.


This event, which took place at the United Nations headquarters, included a series of presentations followed by a discussion, and brought together representatives from both subscribing and non-subscribing States, and officials from the European Union, with a view to raising awareness of the Code with regard to non-subscribing States and discussing the current and future trends and challenges pertaining to ballistic missile proliferation.




  • Amb. Ann-Sofie NILSSON, Ambassador for Disarmament and Non-proliferation; Sweden, HCoC Chair
  • Alexandre HOUDAYER, Secretary General, Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique
  • Amb. Jacek BYLICA, Principal Advisor and Special Envoy for Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, European External Action Service




  • Emmanuelle MAITRE, Research Fellow, Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique
  • Raphaël PRENAT, Coordinator of the Group of Experts, Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004)
  • Waheguru Pal Singh SIDHU, Associate Professor, Center for Global Affairs, New York University



  • UN initiatives to curb ballistic proliferation
  • The integration of the HCoC in the multilateral norms to deal with ballistic proliferation
  • Challenges and perspectives to address ballistic missile proliferation



Research Papers

Ballistic missiles and conventional strike weapons: Adapting the HCoC to address the dissemination of conventional ballistic missiles

The Hague Code of Conduct aims at curbing the proliferation of missiles capable of carrying weapons of mass destruction. Today, with an important increase in ranges, these weapons are more and more used for a conventional mission, by a variety of states. This dissemination illustrates the fact that many stakeholders master the technologies necessary to build and sustain these weapons. But it also raises questions on the possible destabilising effects of these arsenals, even when they are not linked to WMDs.

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Issue Briefs

The Hague Code of Conduct in the Middle East

The HCoC holds special significance in the Middle East as the region is fraught with the development of ballistic arsenals, the use of missiles on the battlefield and the proliferation of such systems towards both states and non-state actors. Moreover, several ballistic missile programmes have been closely associated with WMD acquisition.

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