Global Efforts to Curb Missiles Proliferation: Perspectives from Latin America & the Caribbean
2 July 2024
San José, Costa Rica
In July 2024, the Foundation for Strategic Research and the government of Costa Rica co-organised a seminar in San José (Costa Rica) to engage with representatives from around 20 countries and key actors from the region. This is part of a series of seminars organised all over the globe by the Foundation to spread awareness on the role of the Hague Code of Conduct with the support of the European Union.
- Mr Alexandre Houdayer, Secretary General, Foundation for Strategic Research (FRS)
- Ms Katja de Sadeleer, Head, Political, Press and Information Service, EU Delegation to Costa Rica
- Amb. Alejandro Solano Ortiz, Vice Minister of Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of External Relations and Worship, Costa Rica
First session: The environment: Missile proliferation and dissemination worldwide
Moderator: Mr Alexandre Houdayer, Secretary General, Foundation for Strategic Research (FRS)
- Mr Michael Duitsman, Research Associate, James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Middlebury Institute of International Studies
- The current missile landscape
- Dissemination trends, connection between missiles, WMD & new technologies
- Ms Emmanuelle Maitre, Research Fellow, FRS
- Missiles and Latin America and the Caribbean
- Role of the HCoC in curbing missile proliferation
Second session: The HCoC as a strategic risk reduction measure
Moderator: Ms Emmanuelle Maitre, Research Fellow, FRS
- Amb. Alex Wetzig, Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Chile to the United Nations, Chile
- The role of CBM and transparency in the field of missiles
- Ms Lioba Bammer, Attachée for Disarmament Affairs in the Permanent Mission of Austria in Geneva (HCoC ICC)
- Key obligations contained in the HCoC and functioning of the instrument
Third session: Regional Perspectives
Moderator: Ms Emmanuelle Maitre, Research Fellow, FRS
- Mr Alexandre Houdayer, Secretary General, FRS
- The HCoC and LATAC states
- Regional perspectives – Exchanges of views
Breakout groups
- Benefits of subscribing to the HCoC for Latin American and Caribbean states (Chaired by Amb. Alex Wetzig)
- Increasing regional participation to the HCoC (Chaired by Ms Lioba Bammer)

Fourth session: The HCoC: a CBM promoting the peaceful use of space
Moderator: Ms Sarah Erickson, Research Assistant, UNIDIR
- Mr Alexandre Houdayer, Secretary General, FRS
- The evolution of the satellite industry and impact upon the space launch sector
- Contribution of the Code to space security
- Mr Diego Amante, Air and Space Law Professor, National Autonomous University of Mexico
- Impact of the Code on national space development
- Evolution of space in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Ms Ana Ávila, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, Costa Rica
- Confidence-building measures and space development
Fifth session: The HCoC: a CBM promoting the peaceful use of space
Moderator: Ms Emmanuelle Maitre, Research Fellow, FRS
- Amb. Flávio DAMICO, Special Representative of Brazil to the Conference on Disarmament, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brazil
- Role of export controls and in particular MTCR in curbing the proliferation of missiles
- Dr Valeria Puga Álvarez, Professor of International Relations, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE)
- HCoC and Latin America and the Caribbean NP&D policies
- Using nonproliferation as a lever for development
- Complementarities between the HCoC and NP&D instruments
- Prof. Dr. Emiliano J. Buis, Non-proliferation consultant for the 1540 Programme of the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism of the Organization of American States (CICTE/OAS)
- From theory to practice: inserting the “missile” dimension in concrete implementation of WMD non-proliferation instruments (including the 1540 Resolution)