22-23 January 2025

Manila, Philippines

On 22-23 January 2025, the FRS in collaboration with the government of the Philippines hosted a regional seminar dedicated to Asia-Pacific. More than 50 participants representing 12 countries took part to this event.



  • Mr Alexandre Houdayer, Secretary General, Fondation pour la Recherche stratégique (FRS)

  • Amb. Johann Brieger, Ambassador to the Philippines, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Austria

  • Amb. Massimo Santoro, Ambassador, EU Delegation in the Philippines

  • H.E. Charles C. Jose, Undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and International Economic Relations, Department of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines

First session: Ballistic missiles in Asia-pacific: the landscape

Moderator: Ms Emmanuelle Maitre, Research Fellow, FRS

  • Ms Zuzanna Gwadera, Research Assistant and Programme Administrator, IISS (remotely)

  • Mr Javed Alam, Research Associate for the Nuclear Vertical at the Centre for Air Power Studies

Second session: Drivers of missile dissemination in the region and potential risks

Moderator: Mr Simon Menet, Research Fellow, Fondation pour la Recherche stratégique (FRS)

  • Prof. Mely Caballero-Anthony, Professor of International Relations and Head of the Centre for Non-Traditional Security (NTS) Studies at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU)

  •  Dr Kil Joo Ban, Assistant Professor, Korea National Diplomatic Academy

  • Ms Emmanuelle Maitre, Senior Research Fellow, Fondation pour la Recherche stratégique (FRS)

Third session: Confidence-building measures and missiles

Moderator: Ms Emmanuelle Maitre, Research Fellow, FRS

  • Amb. Álvaro Domingo Jara Bucarey, Ambassador, Embassy of Chile in Manila (Representative of HCoC Chair)

  • Ms Lioba Bammer, Representative of the HCoC Executive Secretariat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Austria

  • Mr Alexandre Houdayer, Secretary General, Fondation pour la Recherche stratégique (FRS)


Fourth Session: Missile crisis simulation exercises

  • Mr Simon Menet, Research Fellow, Fondation pour la Recherche stratégique (FRS)

  • Ms Emmanuelle Maitre, Research Fellow, Fondation pour la Recherche stratégique (FRS)

Fifth session: Space developments and spread of dual-use technologies

Moderator: Ms Emmanuelle Maitre, Senior Research Fellow, Fondation pour la Recherche stratégique (FRS)

  • Prof. Setsuko Aoki, Professor of Law, Keio University Law School, Japan

  • Mr Alexandre Houdayer, Secretary General, FRS

  • Dr Yaries Mahardika Putro, Lecturer of International Law, Universitas Surabaya (UBAYA) (remotely)

  • Dr Joel Joseph S. Marciano, Jr., Director General, Philippine Space Agency

Sixth session: Nonproliferation and cooperation: finding the balance

Moderator: Mr Alexandre Houdayer, Secretary General, FRS

  • Ms. Karla Mae G. Pabeliña, Associate Fellow, Asia-Pacific Leadership Network

  • Ms Ida Scarpino, Political Affairs Officer, UNRCPD

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Issue Briefs

The Hague Code of Conduct in the Middle East

The HCoC holds special significance in the Middle East as the region is fraught with the development of ballistic arsenals, the use of missiles on the battlefield and the proliferation of such systems towards both states and non-state actors. Moreover, several ballistic missile programmes have been closely associated with WMD acquisition.

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Other publications

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