
Issue #1

June 2023

Read news of the Code, updates on our recent activities and latest information about ballistic missile tests and space launches.


Latest HCoC News

  • Annual Regular Meeting in Vienna 
  • Fifth EU Council Decision in Support of the HCoC
  • Looking Back on the Nigerian Chairmanship of the HCoC


News about the Project

  • Side-Event in Vienna on Upcoming Trends For Ballistic Missile Non-proliferation
  • Youth Group Creation
  • Regional Seminar in Nigeria


News about the Ballistic Missiles & Launchers

  • North Korea Tests a Solid-Fuel ICBM
  • Suspension of the New Start Treaty


Selected Missiles Tests

Selected SLV Launches

Information and contacts


Issue Briefs

The HCoC and African States

While both ballistic programmes and the risk posed by these systems remain very limited on the African continent, ballistic missiles inherently constitute a global risk – due to their range and destructive potential. Instruments such as the HCoC, which seek to limit the proliferation of such systems, are therefore relevant for African countries.

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Issue Briefs

The HCoC and Strategic Risk Reduction

As a multilateral instrument, the HCoC holds a particular place in a global architecture of measures that attempts to reduce the destabilising nature of ballistic missiles. By promoting transparency about policies and launches, it aims to limit the risk of misunderstanding, misinterpretation, and worst-case assessments.

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