Syllabi Collection
Nuclear Weapons: Politics and Proliferation
Sharon Weiner American University Fall 2021 This course will help students understand the role of nuclear weapons in U.S. decisions about national security, including the politics of nuclear weapons decision making in the United States, the role of nuclear weapons more broadly in U.S. strategy, and explanations for why other countries pursue, develop, or forego […]
Deterring and Influencing Terrorism and WMD
Jeff Knopf Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey Fall 2021 This seminar examines deterrence and other strategies for responding to security threats, with a focus on how those strategies might be adapted to deal with the dangers posed by terrorism and WMD proliferation. The course will survey existing research on deterrence and alternative policy […]
Space Security
Charles University Prague/ Bohumil Doboš Winter 2021/22 This course aims to introduce students to the field of Space Security, covering the secure access to space, operations in space, and space-related threats. The main topics are concentrated on counterspace activities; the dual-use nature of space systems; the indispensability of space services to terrestrial applications (both civil […]
Politics of Nuclear (Non-)Proliferation
Charles University PragueMichael Smetana Charles University Prague Winter 2021/2022 Politics of Nuclear (Non-)Proliferation is a course about the role of nuclear weapons in international relations that should provide the students with a basic introduction into the world of arms control diplomats, disarmament activists, nuclear experts, and scholars studying the causes and consequences of the spread of nuclear […]
“Star Wars“: Outer Space and Spaceflight in Peace and Conflict Studies
University of Duisburg-Essen/Arne Sönnichsen Winter 2022/23 This Seminar supplemented the Lecture “International Relations and Global Governance” at University Duisburg-Essen. It connects fundamental knowledge about Peace- and Conflict Studies with Outer Space and Spaceflight. In order to understand how new technological developments influence wars and conflicts, the development of Space Technologies was exemplified for this seminar. […]
Weapons Of Mass Destruction Counter Proliferation: Interdiction, Deterrence And Defense
Paris School of International Affairs/Fouad El Khatib Spring 2023 This course examines core issues of the Counter-Proliferation of WMDs. In order to prepare students of this class for real professions in the fields of International Security, most lessons are paired with a case study that helps to understand the dynamics of WMDs, related missile programs, […]
Conflicts in the Digital Age: Information Operations and Cyber Warfare
Dr. Michael Raska/ S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University Singapore Winter 2022/23 This course aims to introduce students to the evolving concepts, processes and debates of information and cyber conflicts across political, military, socio-economic, and intelligence domains. While the first half of the course examines the historical, theoretical, and conceptual components of […]
Issues in nuclear security policy
Prof. Dr. MUSTAFA KİBAROĞLU MEF University Spring 2023 This course introduces undergraduate students of Political Science and International Relations to the existing and emerging threats posed to International Security by Nuclear Weapons and their proliferation. Core topics of this seminar include the proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and their delivery vehicles, the current status of the […]
Fundamentals of Arms Control
James W. Davis Fundamentals of Arms Control University of St. Gallen Spring 2023 This lecture provides an overview about key literature of late 20th-century arms control, aiming to establish a profound understanding of fundamental ideas and strategies that advanced arms control efforts between adversarial nations during the Cold War. Subsequently, the lecture shifts focus to […]
Biodefense Strategy
Gregory D. Koblentz - George Mason University Fall 2023 This lecture introduces students to the most important literature on biodefense that has emerged in recent years. It combines a variety of literary works in the fields of social sciences, global health security and nonproliferation in order to facilitate a contemporary approach to biological warfare and […]