The online material section features a collection of videos, games, tools, courses, and other external resources available online that can enrich
university classes dealing with non-proliferation and disarmament issues.
If you are teaching classes on non-proliferation and disarmament issues and would like to see your online resources on this website, please send an
email to support(at)nonproliferation-elearning.eu.
eLearning Courses
- EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament eLearning Course, featuring 18 learning units on arms control, disarmament, non-proliferation.
- Hair Trigger, a game to engage new audiences about nuclear threats, specifically the dangers of the risky hair-trigger status of U.S. and Russian
nuclear weapons. Created by the Nuclear Threat Initiative. - Nuclear Decisions, an online role-playing game that places users into the positions of officials and citizens who must make challenging nuclear
decisions under real-world conditions. Created by the Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland (CISSM) and online game
designer Playmatics.
Reading Lists
- International Affairs Reading Lists, in-depth collections of analysis on various issues, drawn from the pages of International Affairs since 2000.
- SGS Curriculum Resources Project, reading lists for countering racism and other structures of exclusion and domination in teaching and research
on nuclear issues, by the Program on Science & Global Security at Princeton.
- NUKEMAP, a tool for visualizing the effects of a nuclear explosion, created by Alex Wellerstein.
- Atomic Archive, an educational channel about nuclear weapons, nuclear testing, nuclear energy and space.
- Biological and Chemical Warfare History, a playlist by Brett Edwards, University of Bath.
- Global Nuclear Arsenal 2020, from the Nuclear Knowledges program at Sciences Po.
- How to Dismantle a Nuclear Bomb, a video created by the Outrider Foundation.
- Nuclear 101: How Nuclear Bombs Work, a lecture from the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard.
- Nuclear Weapons, an episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.
- Security Policy made simple, a video series by the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (in German with
English subtitles).
- LearnWMD, a site dedicated to better understanding weapons of mass destruction issues to help benefit scholars, students, and policymakers in
the field. Managed by Jamie Withorne. - Nowhere to Hide, a comprehensive, interactive dataset on the use of chemical weapons in the Syrian conflict. Created by the Global Public Policy
Institute. - Strategic Stability Digital Report, an interactive website on strategic stability by the Körber Strategic Stability Initiative.
- Visualizing the Open Skies Treaty, an interactive website by Alexander Graef and Moritz Kütt from the Institute for Peace Research and Security
Policy at the University of Hamburg.