John Carlson, VCDNP, 15 February 2022
Category: Fissile Materials
Negotiating a FMCT: Still a Priority?
Emmanuelle Maître, FRS, July 2021
The Need for Another Look at Tritium
Nevine Schepers, VERTIC Trust & Verify, No.158, Autumn 2018
Deferred Verification Verifiable Declarations of Fissile Material Stocks
Pavel Podvig, UNIDIR, 2017
Fissile Material Stockpile Declarations and Cooperative Nuclear Archaeology
lexander Glaser and Malte Göttsche, in: FM(C)T Meeting Series, Verifiable Declarations of Fissile Material Stocks: Challenges and Solutions, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research Resources, 2017
Phosphate fertilizers as proliferation-relevant source of uranium
Robert Kelley, Vitaly Fedchenko, NP paper No.59, May 2017, 14pp.
From felt pens to digital tracking: Improving inventory controls in uranium production
Cindy Vestergaard, Recommendations, 25 August 2015
Govering uranium – from uranium mining to conversion
Cindy Vestergaard, DIIS Report, 118pp., 28 August 2015
Governing Uranium in India – The challenges of India’s expanding nuclear energy grid
DIIS Report, 28 January 2015
New Tools and New Actors to Reduce Nuclear Risks: Verifying Baseline Declarations of Nuclear Materials and Warheads
James Fuller, John Carlson, Malte Göttsche, et al., ed. Nuclear Threat Initiative, 2014.