Alberto Muti, Grant Christopher, Noel Stott, VERTIC, December 2023
Category: Disarmament
The ban treaty, two years after: A ray of hope for nuclear disarmament
Alexander Kmentt, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, January 2023
Building a Road to Nuclear Disarmament: Bridging the Gap between Competing Approaches
Rizwana Abbasi, Routledge, December 2022
Neutral countries and the Doomsday Clock : Opportunities for Switzerland to advance nuclear risk reduction and disarmament in the period 2023-2024
Basel Peace Office, December 2022
Revisiting ‘Minimal Nuclear Deterrence’: Laying the Ground for Multilateral Nuclear Disarmament
Dr. Tytti Erästö, SIPRI, juin 2022
Treaty Law to Signal to Outsiders: The Case of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
Tobias Vestner, GCSP, 8 juin 2022
The Stepping Stones Approach, the TPNW, and the Value of Complementarity for Sustainable, Verifiable Disarmament
Emily Enright and Eva-Nour Repussard, BASIC, January 2022
Report: Stepping Stones Approach to Disarmament
Paul Ingram, BASIC, December 2021
From NATO to NPT and Beyond: Diversifying Debates, Expanding Nuclear Mindsets
Sara Bundtzen and Ekaterina Lapanovich, Deep Cuts Project, December 2021
Do Germany and the Netherlands want to say goodbye to nuclear weapons?
Michal Smetana, Michal Onderco and Tom Etienne, Peace Research Center Prague (in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists), July 2021