Matus Halas, Institute of International Relations Prague (IIR), November 2019
Category: Means of delivery
U.S. Development of Intermediate-Range Missiles after Its Withdrawal from the INF Treaty
Artur Kacprzyk, Marcin Andrzej Piotrowski, PISM Bulletin, no. 125 (1371), 30 August 2019
Missile Control: It’s not rocket science
Katarzyna Kubiak, European Leadership Network, June 2019
NATO’s Options and Dilemmas After the INF Treaty
Artur Kacprzyk, Council of Councils Global Memo, 8 April 2019
Russia’s Missile Development: Potential and Limitations
Anna Maria Dyner, PISM Bulletin, no 35 (1281), 2 April 2019
Technology and Strategy: Hypersonic Weapon Systems will decrease global strategic stability – and current control regimes won’t do
German Council on Foreign Relations, March 2019
The Potential for a Hypersonic Arms Race between the U.S., China and Russia
Marcin Andrzej Piotrowski, PISM Bulletin, no 32 (1278), 8 March 2019
A Roadmap to Pragmatic Dialogue on the Iranian Missile Program
Fabian Hinz, European Leadership Network, March 2019
Les missiles des Houthis : prolifération balistique et groupes armées non-étatiques (in French)
Jean Masson, FRS, December 2018
The use of the existing WMD free zones as an example and a potential framework for further initiatives banning ballistic missiles
Benjamin Hautecouverture, HCoC Paper, FRS, 2017