The EU research security initiative: implications for the application of export controls in academia and research institutes
Lauriane Héau, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 94, March 2025
Subregional arms control and conflict prevention in the Western Balkans
Katarina Djokic, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 93, January 2025
Artificial Intelligence, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament: A Compendium on the State of the Art
Thomas Reinhold, Elisabeth Hoffberger-Pippan, Alexander Blanchard, Marc-Michael Blum, Filippa Lentzos and Alice Saltini, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 92, January 2025
The Potentially Revolutionary Impact of Emerging and Disruptive Technologies and Strategic Conventional Weapons on the Nuclear Deterrence Debate
Tom Sauer, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 91, November 2024
The Nexus of Non-traditional Security and Nuclear Risk: Implications for EU Foreign Policy in the Indo-Pacific
Elin Bergner, Sarah Laderman and Marcy R. Fowler, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 90, November 2024
Arms Supplies To Ukraine: Does The European Arms Export Control System Need Revision?
Ester Sabatino, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 89, May 2024
What Happened To Demand? Getting Small Arms Control Back On Track
Callum Watson and Aline Shaban, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 88, March 2024
The Chemical Weapons Convention After Its Fifth Review Conference: Key Issues For The European Union
Alexander Ghionis and Alexander Kelle, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 87, February 2024
Feminist Foreign Policy and Nuclear Weapons: Contributions and Implications
Laura Rose Brown, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 86, November 2023
The Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention Confronting False Allegations and Disinformation
Jean Pascal Zanders, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 85, October 2023
Weaponizing innovation? Mapping artificial intelligence-enabled security and defence in the EU
Raluca Csernatoni, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 84, July 2023
The EU space strategy for security and defence: towards strategic autonomy?
Raúl González Muñoz and Clara Portela, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 83, June 2023
Armed conflict and nuclear security: implications for Europe
Muhammed Ali Alkiş, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 82, April 2023
Opportunities For The European Union To Strengthen Biosecurity In Africa
Benjamin Wakefield, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 81, November 2022
Hypersonic Missile Proliferation: An Emerging European Problem?
Timothy Wright, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 80, May 2022
Balancing the three pillars of the NPT: how can promoting peaceful uses help?
Ingrid Kirsten, Mara Zarka, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 79, May 2022
Navigating Chinese–Russian Nuclear And Space Convergence And Divergence
Lora Saalman, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 78, May 2022
Implementing the 2021 recast of the EU dual-use regulation: challenges and opportunities
Mark Bromley, Kolja Brockmann, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 77, September 2021
A comparison of national reviews of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
Michal Onderco, Andrea Farrés Jiménez, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 76, June 2021
Effective and Comprehensive CBRN Security Risk Management in the 21st Century
Tatyana Novossiolova, Maurizio Martellini, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament papers, no. 75, June 2021
A proposal for a ban on destructive anti-satellite testing: What is the European Union’s role?
Nivedita Raju, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 74, April 2021
Explaining the Nuclear Challenges Posed by Emerging and Disruptive Technology: A Primer for European Policymakers and Professionals
Andrew Futter, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 73, March 2021
The Importance of Narrative in Nuclear Policymaking: A study of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
Laura Considine, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 72, January 2021
The case for gender balance in arms control, non-proliferation and disarmament negotiations
Federica Dall'Arche, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 71, October 2020
Monitoring the response to converted firearms in Europe
Nicolas Florquin and Benjamin Jongleux, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 70, October 2020
Mapping Non-proliferation and Disarmament Education in Europe
Elisabeth I-Mi Suh, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 69, September 2020
The arms control-regional security nexus in the Middle East
Tytti Erästö, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 68, April 2020
From critical engagement to credible commitments: a renewed EU strategy for the North Korean proliferation crisis
Antoine Bondaz, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Paper no. 67, February 2020
The crisis of nuclear arms control and its impact on European security
Lukasz Kulesa, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Paper no. 66, January 2020
The question of swarms control: challenges to ensuring human control over military swarms
Maaike Verbruggen, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 65, December 2019.
Emerging dual-use technologies in the life sciences: challenges and policy recommendations on export control
Mirko Himmel, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 64, September 2019.
Countering the use of chemical weapons in Syria: options for supporting international norms and institutions
Una Becker-Jakob, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 63, June 2019.
The 2018 EU SALW strategy: towards an integrated and comprehensive approach
Nils Duquet, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 62, April 2019, 20pp.
Russia’s nuclear energy exports: status, prospects and implications
Névine Schepers, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Papers, no. 61, February 2019, , 16pp.
Nuclear Forensics as Nuclear Material Analysis for Security Purposes
Vitaly Fedchenko, NP paper No.60, June 2017, 16pp.
Phosphate fertilizers as proliferation-relevant source of uranium
Robert Kelley, Vitaly Fedchenko, NP paper No.59, May 2017, 14pp.
The European Union and Weapons of Mass Destruction: A Follow-On to the Global Strategy?
Lars-Erik Lundin, NP paper No.58, May 2017, 13pp.
Iran’s ballistic missile programme: its status and the way forward
Paulina Izewicz, NP paper No.57, April 2017, 14pp.
The next generation(s) of Europeans facing nuclear weapons: Forgetful, indifferent, but supportive?
Benoit Pelopidas, NP paper No.56, March 2017, 14pp.
Is three dimensional (3D) printing a nuclear proliferation tool?
Robert Kelley, NP paper No.54, February 2017, 11pp.
The EU’s CBRN Centres of Excellence Initiative After 6 Years
Ralf Trapp, NP paper No.55, February 2017, 15pp.
The implications of the Ukraine conflict for national nuclear security policy
Dmytro Chumak, NP paper No.53, November 2016, 15pp.
Increasing transparency in biodefence: a 2016 visit to a German military medical biodefence facility
Filippa Lentzos, NP paper No.52, November 2016, 16pp.
The security of space activities
Gérard Brachet, NP paper No.51, July 2016, 10pp.
The great balancing act: EU policy choices during the implementation of the Iran deal
Tarja Cronberg, NP paper No.50, April 2016, 16pp.
Mapping the debate on laws at the CCW: taking stock and moving forward
Vincent Boulanin, NP Paper No.49, March 2016, 16pp.
The dual-use export control policy review: balancing security, trade and academic freedom in a changing world
Sibylle Bauer and Mark Bromley, NP Paper No.48, March 2016, 18pp.
Advancing disarmament verification tools: a task for Europe?
Malte Göttsche, Moritz Kütt, Götz Neuneck, Irmgard Niemeyer, NP Paper No.47, October 2015, 18pp.
The EU’s evolving responses to nuclear proliferation crises: from incentives to sanctions
Clara Portela, NP Paper No.46, July 2015, 16pp.
3D bio: declare, document and demonstrate
Filippa Lentzos, NP Paper No.45, April 2015, 14pp.
Nuclear security in European Union member States
Marcy Fowler, Alisa Carrigan, NP Paper No.44, April 2015, 18pp.
Integrating without quite breaking the rules: the EU and India’s acceptance within the nonproliferation regime
Benjamin Kienzle, NP Paper No.43, February 2015, 18pp.
Nuclear attitudes in Central Europe
Erzsebet N. Rozsa, Anna Peczeli, NP paper No.42, January 2015, 16pp.
The European Union and the Humanitarian Initiative in the 2015 Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Cycle
Jenny Nielsen, Marianne Hanson, NP paper No.41, December 2014, 20p.
The European Union’s weapons of mass destruction non-proliferation clause: a 10-year assessment
Lina Grip, NP paper No.40, April 2014, 16p.
Nuclear Trafficking Issues in the Black Sea Region
Lyudmila Zaitseva, Friedrich Steinhausler, NP paper No.39, April 2014, 24p.
Iran’s nuclear propensity: the probability of nuclear use
Thanos Dokos, NP paper No.38, March 2014, 16p.
Arms Trade Treaty assistance: identifying a role for the European Union
Mark Bromley, Paul Holtom, Discussion Paper, February 2014, 18p.
The European Union and space: opportunities and risks
Jana Robinson, Michael Romancov, NP paper No.37, January 2014, 12p.
European Union responses to extra-territorial claims by the United States: lessons from trade control cases
Quentin Genard, NP paper No.36, January 2014, 14p.
Export of dual-use chemicals to Syria: an assessment of European Union export controls
Ian Anthony, NP paper No.35, January 2014, 14p.
Assessing the European Union’s sanctions policy: Iran as a case study
Dina Esfandiary, NP paper No.34, December 2013, 24p.
European Union initiatives to control small arms and light weapons: towards a more coordinated approach
Cédric Poitevin, NP paper No.33, December 2013, 24p.
The role of the European Union in strengthening nuclear security
Ian Anthony, NP paper No.32, November 2013, 16p.
From Nuclear Weapons to WMD: the Development and Added Value of the WMD-Free Zone Concept
Harald Müller, Aviv Melamud, Anna Peczeli, NP paper No.31, September 2013, 20p.
WMD related dual use trade control offences in the European Union: penalties and prosecutions
Sibylle Bauer, NP paper No.30, July 2013, 16p.
Creating a common EU policy on nuclear non-proliferation education: a case study of Sweden
Thomas Jonter, NP paper No.29, June 2013, 14p.
The European Union’s Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Centres of Excellence Initiative
Alicia Mignone, NP paper No.28, June 2013, 12p.
European Efforts to Solve the Conflict over Iran’s Nuclear Programme: How Has the European Union Performed?
Oliver Meier, NP paper No.27, February 2013, 22p.
Effective Embargo Enforcement: Overflight Denial and Control
Edin Omanovic, NP paper No.26, February 2013, 20p.
The European Union, its Overseas Territories and Non-Proliferation: the Case of Arctic Yellowcake
Cindy Vestergaard, NP paper No.25, January 2013, 12p.
Combating Proliferation Financing: A European Banking Perspective
Indranil Ganguli, Julien Ernoult, NP paper, No.24, December 2012, 22p.
The European Union’s Involvement In Negotiating an Arms Trade Treaty
Sara Depauw, NP paper, No.23, December 2012, 16p.
The Role of the European Union Delivering Resolution 1540 Implementation Assistance
Lina Grip, NP paper, No. 22, October 2012, 18p.
Managing Technology Transfers Under the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention
Anna Zmorzynska and Gunnar Jeremias, NP paper, No.21, September 2012, 16p.
Syria’s Proliferation Challenge and the European Union’s Response
Michael Elleman, Dina Esfandiary, Emile Hokayem, NP paper, No. 20, July 2012, 20p.
Pakistan’s Nuclear and WMD Programmes: Status, Evolution and Risks
Bruno Tertrais, NP paper No. 19, July 2012, 20p.
North Korean Proliferation Challenges: The Role of the European Union
Mark Fitzpatrick, NP paper No. 18, June 2012, 16p.
Defusing the Bomb or just Chit-Chat? Cooperation between the European Union and Japan on the NPT
Stratos Pourzitakis, NP paper No. 17, June 2012, 18p.
The Proliferation Security Initiative – Evolution and Future Prospects
Jacek Durkalec, NP paper No.16, June 2012, 22p.
The revised Nuclear Suppliers Group guidelines: a European Union perspective
Andrea Viski, NP paper No. 15, May 2012, 14p.
European Union arms export control outreach activities in eastern and south eastern Europe
Paul Holtom, Ivana Micic, NP paper No. 14, April 2012, 18p.
Intangible transfers of technology and visa screening in the European Union
Vicente Garrido Rebolledo, NP paper No.13, March 2012, 16p.
Strategic trade controls in the United Arab Emirates: key considerations for the European Union
Aaron Dunne, NP paper No.12, March 2012, 18p.
The NPT review process and strengthening the treaty: peaceful uses
Giorgio Franceschini, NP paper No.11, February 2012, 16p.
The NPT review process and strengthening the treaty: disarmament
Harald Müller, NP paper No.10, February 2012, 18p.
The European Union, the IAEA and WMD non-proliferation: unity of approach and continuity of action
Lars-Erik Lundin, NP paper No.9, February 2012, 16p.
A reflection on the current state of nuclear non-proliferation and safeguards
Andreas Persbo, NP paper No.8, February 2012, 18p.
The review of the EU Common position on arms exports: prospects for strenghtened controls
Mark Bromley, NP paper No.7, January 2012, 18p.
Assessing selected European Union external assistance and cooperation projects on WMD non-proliferation
Lina Grip, NP paper No.6, December 2011, 28p.
Verifying and demonstrating compliance with the BTWC
Iris Hunger and Anna Zmorzynska, NP paper No.5, December 2011, 14p.
Implications of bioscience and technology advances for the BTWC
Caitriona McLeish, NP paper No.4, December 2011, 14p.
Strengthening the BTWC through laboratory best practices and biosecurity
Elisande Nexon, NP paper No.3, December 2011, 22p.
The European Union’s WMD strategy and the CFSP: a critical analysis
Peter Van Ham, NP paper No.2, September 2011, 16p.
Mapping the European Union’s institutional actors related to WMD non-proliferation
Lina Grip, NP paper No.1, May 2011, 20p.