Institute for International Legal Studies

ISGI-CNR (Italy)

The Institute for International Legal Studies (ISGI) is an independent scientific body of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), having its headquarters in Rome. Headed by the Director of Research, Gemma Andreone, the Institute carries out research, training and high consultancy activities in the field of International and EU law. Beyond its contribution to the evolution of international law ( and its application in Italy (, the ISGI has always had a special focus on peace and other related issues. Disarmament and Non-Proliferation, Space Security, Prevention of the Arm Race in Outer Space (PAROS), Long Term Sustainability of Space Activities, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law have always been long-standing field of research, pursuing the initiative of its founding Director, Prof. Sergio Marchisio.

Contact information

Institute for International Legal Studies (ISGI) – National Research Council of Italy (CNR)

Address Via dei Taurini 19
00185 Roma



Viviana Iavicoli

Institute for International Legal Studies
Via dei Taurini, 19
00185 Rome (I)

Tel: +39 (0)6 4993 7661

The team

Contacts Resume Speciality
Gemma Andreone 
ISGI Acting Director
Tel. +39 06 49937662
Gemma Andreone is the ISGI Acting Director and Director of Research of International Law, responsible for several international and national projects. She is editor in chief of the Maritime Safety and Security Law Journal, Legal adviser and solicitor at the Bar of Rome and consultant for the Italian Ministry for economic development and for the Italian Ministry for foreign affairs and international cooperation. She is author of books, articles and papers on several international law issues, and especially on the law of the sea, international environmental principles (e.g. precautionary principle), fisheries and Mediterranean Sea governance.
  • Law of International organisations
  • Smuggling and trafficking by the Sea
Sergio Marchisio 
Professor Emeritus of International Law and Space Law, Sapienza University of Rome;
Chairman, European Centre for Space Law (ECSL);
General Council, International Astronautical Federation (IAF)

Founding Director of the ISGI-CNR, Sergio Marchisio is Professor Emeritus of International Law and Space Law, Sapienza University of Rome. Vice-President of the Italian Society for International Organization (SIOI). Chairman of European Centre for Space Law (ECSL/ESA). General Counsel of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). Senior Legal Advisor of Italian Space Agency (ASI) and Member of its Board of Directors (2014-2018).

Legal Expert at Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Italian Delegate to UNCOPUOS since 1997. Chairman of the Legal Subcommittee (2004-2006) and Co-chair of the Expert Group D (Regulatory Regimes and Guidance for Actors in the Space Arena) of the Working Group on Long-Term Sustainability of the Outer Space Activities (2010-2018).

Member of two UN Group of Governmental Experts on Outer Space Transparency and Confidence-Building Measures (TCBMs, 2011-2013), and on Practical Measures for the Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS, 2018-2019).

Representative of the Italian government in a number of international conferences, he acts as Legal Expert of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From 2002 to 2011 he chaired the Committee of Governmental Experts entrusted to negotiate the UNIDROIT Space Assets Protocol to the 2001 Cape Town Convention. Italian delegate to the CODUN EU’s Council, in 2010 he was appointed, among others, as a Member of the Task Force of the EEAS-EU on the draft Code of Conduct for Space Activities and Chair of the multilateral negotiations on ICoC held at the United Nations (New York, 2015).

Author of over 250 scientific publications, including the volume “The Law of Outer Space Activities” (

  • Space Law
  • Disarmament
  • Non-Proliferation
  • Space Security
  • Prevention of the Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS) and Long Term Sustainability of Space Activities
  • ICoC

Pierfrancesco Breccia

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in International Law

Pierfrancesco Breccia is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in International Law at Sapienza University of Rome. His main research focuses on the application of international law to space activities with a special attention to the legal regime related to the prevention of an arms race in outer space (PAROS). In 2016 he has been conferred the Prof. Dr. I.H.Diederiks-Vershoor Award by the International Institute of Space Law.
  • International law
  • United Nations
  • Prevention of the Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS)
Raffaele Cadin 
Professor of International Law
Tel: +390633268166
Raffaele Cadin is Associate Professor of International Law (with National Scientific Abilitation as Full Professor) at the Department of Political Sciences of Sapienza University of Rome where he teaches “International Law”, “International Organization” and “International Law of Economy and Development”. He directs the Master in “International Protection of Human Rights Maria Rita Saulle” and has directed the High-Level Training Course in “Women, Peace and Mediation” of  Sapienza University in the period 2020-2023. He has participated, also as principal investigator,  in various research projects at national and international level and  has edited volumes and written numerous scientific publications in many sectors and fields of International Law, in particular on collective security, human rights, international organization, international development law and international terrorism. Since 2022 he is a member of the Board of Directors of the Arangio-Ruiz Foundation for International Law.
  • Security Council
  • Non-proliferation
Rachele Cera
Researcher of International Law
Tel:+39 06 4993 7665

Rachele Cera is a CNR Researcher at the ISGI since 2005. Her subject expertise includes energy law with a focus on nuclear law and its dual use, and women empowerment in non-proliferation and disarmament. She also works on the prevention of weaponization of outer space through the adoption of transparency and confidence building measures. She contributed to ISGI scientific support activities to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the framework of the EU-CFSP-CODUN initiative for the elaboration of the Code of conduct on space activities. Energy Law Prevention of the Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS) women empowerment in non-proliferation and disarmament are her preferred fields of research.
  • Security Council
  • Non-proliferation
Andrea Crescenzi 
Senior Researcher of International Law
Tel: + 39 0649937653
He is a CNR Senior Researcher at the ISGI. His main research interests include the international disarmament and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons law, international human rights law, international environmental law and international humanitarian law. He is currently chargé de cours of the EU Environmental Law (Sapienza, Faculty of Economics) and International Migration Law (Lumsa, Faculty of Law). He participated in European and National projects and he is author of several essays, comments, reports and other scientific documents. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Quarterly on Refugee Problems – AWR Bulletin. He is a ‘Correspondent’ of the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law (T.M.C. Asser Institute, The Hague) and, also, he is member of the Italian Society of International Law and European Law (SIDI-ISIL) and of the European Centre for Space Law (ECSL).
  • Disarmament
  • Conflict Prevention
  • Nuclear and Chemical Weapons
  • Conflict and Environment
Valentina Della Fina
Head of Research of International Law
Tel: +39 06499376
Valentina Della Fina is a CNR Senior researcher in international law at the ISGI. Her research activities concern mainly the law of international organisations, with a particular focus on UN Security Council’s evolving practice in the maintenance of international peace and security through peace operations. Co-ordinator of the ISGI annual report on Italian practice in international humanitarian law, as a part of the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law (T.M.C. Asser Institute).


  • UN Security Council
  • International Humanitarian Law
Viviana Iavicoli
Researcher of International Law
Tel: +39 0649937661
Viviana Iavicoli is a researcher in  International Law and Space Law at ISGI. Her studies focus on Space Law with particular attention on Nuclear Power Sources in Space (NPS). She served as an Italian Expert at the Working Group of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of the UNCOPUOS Working Group on the Use of Nuclear Power Sources in Outer Space and at different international fora. She was a member of the Board of Directors of the Master Degree in “Space Institutions and Policy” (co-organized by ISGI, Italian Space Agency-ASI and the Italian Society for International Organizations-SIOI) (2009-2021) and she taught Space Law always in the framework of the same Master and lectured in other national and international context.
  • Space Law
  • NPS in Outer Space
  • Prevention of the Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS)
Ilja Richard Pavone 
Researcher of International Law
Tel: +39 0649937657
Ilja Richard Pavone (Italy), PhD in International Law at the University Sapienza of Rome, joined the ISGI-CNR as Research Fellow in 2006. His activities focus on Nuclear Disarmament and Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), chemical disarmament in Syria, the EU Non-Proliferation Clause, NATO, START III. He is responsible of a joined project with Landau Network-Centro Volta on NBC disarmament and arms control matters.
  • NATO
  • WMD
  • Nuclear Disarmament