The European Studies Unit (Department of Political Science – Faculty of Law, Political Science and Criminology) of the University of Liège elaborates courses and studies at all study levels on the various aspect covered by the European Union action. Beside its well-known expertise on non-proliferation of weapons of mass-destruction through the regulation of the dual-use strategic trade, it progressively specialised in areas touching on environmental and (internal and external) security policies. The European Studies Unit constantly provide expertise for the European institutions, international organisations and Member States, and regularly also for the private sector or within political, scientific and academic fora. Since 2010, the European Studies Unit convenes annual seminars of young European scientists researching on the conciliation between international security and the trade of sensitive items, technologies and services.
Contact information
Université de Liège – Département de Science Politique – Unité Etudes Européennes
Quartier Agora
Place des Orateurs 3 (B31) bte.09
B-4000 Liège
Tel: +32.4.366.30.64
The team
Contacts | Resume | Speciality |
Quentin Michel Professor Doctor Tel: +32 4 366 30 64 |
Quentin Michel (Belgium) is Ordinary Professor in European Studies at the Department of Political Science, University of Liège. He has worked as a Seconded National Expert for the EU Commission (DG Trade Unit E4 Dual-Use Export Control). In addition, he also regularly assumes expertise related to export control regime for national, European and international organisations and fora. Since 2009, he edits and makes available online an analysis of The European Union Export Control Regime: Comment of the legislation article by article, which he updates regularly, for the benefit of scientists, industries, lawyers and political actors. |
Sylvain Paile-Calvo Doctor, Senior Research Fellow Tel: +32 4 366 46 84 |
Sylvain Paile (Belgium, France) is a Senior Researcher at the European Studies Unit of the University of Liège. His researches focus on the European security and defence, notably through the aspects covered by the regulations of the strategic items’ trade. He is responsible for the implementation of EU outreach programmes in this area. He is a member of the International Nuclear Law Association and a collaborator of the European Security and Defence College (EEAS). |
Givi Amiranashvili PhD candidate Tel: +38 0491192646 |
Givi Amiranashvili (Georgia) is a PhD candidate at the European Studies Unit (ESU) of the University of Liège. His doctoral thesis is dedicated to the main targets, goals, and achievements of the European Union Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence initiative (EU CBRN CoE).His professional background is focused on CBRN safety and security. He had been working as the Head of the EU CBRN CoE Regional Secretariat for South East and Eastern Europe for approximately 6 years. |
Enzo Caponetti Research assistant & PhD candidate Tel: +39 349 843 33 62 |
Enzo Caponetti (Italy) is a researcher, assistant and PhD candidate at the European Studies Unit (ESU) of the University of Liège. His doctoral research focuses on academic proliferation and the control of sensitive intangible technology transfers. His main research fields relate to non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), dual-use items and arms trade controls and European Union policies. |
Egor Kartuzov PhD candidate Tel: +38 067 899 53 23 |
Egor Kartuzov (Ukraine) is a PhD candidate at the European Studies Unit (ESU) of the University of Liège. His doctoral research focuses on technology transfers of dual-use materials and science technologies from Ukraine to the EU. He holds a degree of Candidate of Engineering Sciences and is a senior researcher at Frantsevich Institute for Problems in Materials Science, NAS of Ukraine. |
Kamshat Saginbekova PhD candidate Tel: +32 497 93 55 |
Kamshat Saginbekova (Kazakhstan) is a PhD candidate at the European Studies Unit of the University of Liege and holds the Doctoral Research Grant awarded by the Commission’s Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO) and the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC). Her research focuses on the evaluation of the economic effects of strategic trade controls in Central Asian countries and the economic impact of trade regulation in EAEU. |
Emilya Titanyan PhD Candidate Tel: +374 95 132 606 |
Emilya Titanyan (Armenia) is a PhD Researcher at the European Studies Unit of the University of Liège. Her current research focuses on the main elements, challenges and prospects for improving trade control systems for dual-use items and legal issues and aspects of the development and operation of the dual-use items trade control (in the case of Armenia and CIS countries). She is also a head Legal Adviser at the Certification Body of Military and Dual-use Goods and Technologies – National Bureau of Expertise (State non-profit organisation) – National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. |
Veronica Vella Researcher, Assistant & PhD Candidate Tel: +39 349 843 33 62 |
Veronica Vella (Italy) is a researcher, assistant and PhD candidate at the European Studies Unit (ESU) of the University of Liège.Her doctoral research focuses on strategic trade control systems and regimes, with a specific focus on their legal frameworks. Her main research fields relate to non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), dual-use items, academic proliferation and arms trade controls. She is engaged in different outreach activities to strategic trade controls’ stakeholders. |